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Knowledge Navigators

Knowledge Navigators

Knowledge navigators are valuable leaders and engaged participants in SDG localization with a capacity to transform information into empowerment and action. Emerging within organizations, academic institutions and local agencies, knowledge navigators are supporting the development of critical research questions and methods that can help communities see and find solutions to the SDG challenges they face. At the forefront of the SDG localization agenda, they are able to harvest, curate and disseminate knowledge in ways that can help to turn abstract and globally focused goals into tangible actions and pathways for change.

Strategies and Activities for Knowledge Navigation

Getting Started with the SDGs in Universities: A Guide for University, Higher Education Institutions and the Academic Sector. SDSN Australia/Pacific. https://ap-unsdsn.org/wp-content/uploads/University-SDG-Guide_web.pdf 

Youth-Led Research Toolkit. Centre for Community Based Research. https://general0747.wixsite.com/youth-led-research

The SDG Accord. https://www.sdgaccord.org/ 

Reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals: A guide for Canada’s universities & colleges. Universities Canada, Colleges and Institutes Canada, SDSN Canada. https://univcan.ca/media-room/publications/reporting-on-the-sdgs-guide/